Well my plans to get this blog back and running have hit a bit of a hurdle as our old PC decided to die. Although this is not all doom and gloom as it now means I have my own personal (all to myself) lap top which incase your interested is a pretty shade of red. I think I should add now if you like pictures in your post this is not going to be the post for you as I have no photos on my lap top at present as they were all on the old hard drive, I hope to remedy that soon but as you can imagine my days are pretty busy.
I also had my oldest Carly and her three kids stay for half term last week too so to be honest today is the first day I am actually getting myself sorted. As a side note I would like to add I have now not knit anything for a week.
Anyway back to the point I do really want to keep an ongoing blog on the things I am knitting as they progress and the materials I am using, I also plan to try and update what I am buying and list it on here also. In truth I have a secret desire to have a video podcast but that is way beyond any computer skills that I have so I thought the next best thing would be to try and log things on here and you never know I may get followers interested.
All of this really is a long winded way of saying for anybody who has passed by and thought 'I knew she wouldn't start posting again' I really do want to its just I feel it would be better with some pictures as we all know one of the big reasons we read blogs is to look at the pretty pictures lol. That is the main reason I have switched from listening to podcasts to watching videocasts, I love to see the stuff!!!
So I hope that soon there will be the start of my 'real' post and it will contain pictures and hopefully a bit of interesting information too.
Till then I will say watch this space.
Knitting Mummy's Everyday Life
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sunday, September 05, 2010
I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted, I blame Twitter and Ravelry I seem to spend any free computer time I get on those sites and that doesn't include the phone app's lol.
I have a few spare moments before I get everyone up for church so I thought I would pop on and do a quick update. Well we have had the school summer holidays and we all survived pretty much intact. Joe left school in June and is now at Hairdressing College which is carrying on what he did at school, he did ok in his GCSE's passed 4 of them including the Hairdressing stuff which is technically equivilent to 3 GCSE's. Considering he was pretty much suspended or isolated for most of year 11 he actually did pretty good!!!
Jade started senior school last week and is quite keen at the moment.

I now have 3 schools a playschool and occasionally a college to drop kids off to so as you can imagine mornings and mid afternoons are not good times for me. As I mentioned I am now back to doing Playschool runs as Gracie starts this week. I am pleased about that as I worked out I have been having kids home and taking the to school for 17 years now and I really could do with a couple of mornings a week to myself.lol
We had a good holiday we went to Hopton Nr Great Yarmouth in a caravan, but this year we took Carly, Jamie and the kids as well and we had a great time. Although obviously it rained the whole time!!
On the knitting front things are going really well I have had a few finished items and I have 4 things on the needles but all of those are well on the way and two are practically finished. I have a shawlette that I am knitting for Jade in sock yarn which is lovely and I only have about 10 or 15 rows to go, I also have the mini me skirt from Barefoot Knits although it is not in the book but a seperate pattern I bought from their site a while ago, I have done the front so only the back to go. Next I have the TIA cardigan from an edition of Let's Knit and lastly a striped jumper which is also from Lets knit but a supplement that came with the magazine, all of these are being knit for Gracie.
Right well I shall post some pics of my finished objects as I am going back to June I shall try and remember which ones I have done.

Well I think that is it for now I hope to post a bit quicker next time.
I have a few spare moments before I get everyone up for church so I thought I would pop on and do a quick update. Well we have had the school summer holidays and we all survived pretty much intact. Joe left school in June and is now at Hairdressing College which is carrying on what he did at school, he did ok in his GCSE's passed 4 of them including the Hairdressing stuff which is technically equivilent to 3 GCSE's. Considering he was pretty much suspended or isolated for most of year 11 he actually did pretty good!!!
Jade started senior school last week and is quite keen at the moment.
I now have 3 schools a playschool and occasionally a college to drop kids off to so as you can imagine mornings and mid afternoons are not good times for me. As I mentioned I am now back to doing Playschool runs as Gracie starts this week. I am pleased about that as I worked out I have been having kids home and taking the to school for 17 years now and I really could do with a couple of mornings a week to myself.lol
We had a good holiday we went to Hopton Nr Great Yarmouth in a caravan, but this year we took Carly, Jamie and the kids as well and we had a great time. Although obviously it rained the whole time!!
On the knitting front things are going really well I have had a few finished items and I have 4 things on the needles but all of those are well on the way and two are practically finished. I have a shawlette that I am knitting for Jade in sock yarn which is lovely and I only have about 10 or 15 rows to go, I also have the mini me skirt from Barefoot Knits although it is not in the book but a seperate pattern I bought from their site a while ago, I have done the front so only the back to go. Next I have the TIA cardigan from an edition of Let's Knit and lastly a striped jumper which is also from Lets knit but a supplement that came with the magazine, all of these are being knit for Gracie.
Right well I shall post some pics of my finished objects as I am going back to June I shall try and remember which ones I have done.
Well I think that is it for now I hope to post a bit quicker next time.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just a quick note to confirm that I am still around I just haven't blogged as I have had no camera and I don't like blogging if I have no pictures. The good news is I got a new camera today, although as of yet I can't get any pictures to load up onto the PC but that is typical of me and technology it never goes right!!!!
I actually have 3 and very soon to be 4 finished projects so hope to update Ravelry very soon.
This is what they call short and sweet but I hope to be back with something more interesting very soon.xx
I actually have 3 and very soon to be 4 finished projects so hope to update Ravelry very soon.
This is what they call short and sweet but I hope to be back with something more interesting very soon.xx
Saturday, May 01, 2010
I have decided that I am going to start blogging again. I am pretty sure no one actually reads this but I thought I would do it anyway. I have really let things slide mainly because of Facebook, Twitter and of course Ravelry. It is so much easier to post pics and comments on these social network sites than coming and writing a piece here. But I also love reading other blogs so I thought if everyone stopped writing them there would be nothing to read so I decided to revive mine.lol
It is so long I have a load of finished projects which I may post just as photos but won't go into too much detail about.
My big passion these days as well as the knitting!! is listening to knitting podcasts I am so addicted I think the main reason is as I know hardly any,although that has changed slightly lately, (more info on that in a minute) knitters in the real world so for me listening to other people talking about knitting for hours on end is just bliss.lol
I have so many favourites I can't even begin to list them all here, but If anybody listens to The High Fibre Diet then I have to say that in her latest episode when she talks about pot luck which is where she takes projects she likes from her group page and talks about them she actually picked on of mine!!! I was so made up, I actually jumped out of my chair, hubby wondered what on earth had happened.lol
I have recently started going to a knitting group with two lovely ladies Emma and Stacey, there is also a fourth member Pamela but she is not there as often, at the moment as there is only 4 of us we hold our meetings at Stacey's house on Mondays at 10.30am it has been so nice to talk to other knitters:-)
Oher news I have started crochet lessons at a local Adult learing College, only had 2 so far but it is going pretty good I have learned 3 stiches and can now hold the hook although it still doesn't feel totally comfortable yet. There is a nice bunch of ladies there and it is an enjoyable 2 hours each week. I have also signed up for a one off session on how to use your sewing machine in July which should also be good.
On the kids front things have been up and down, Joe is 16 and is a complete pain, but I don't have the energy to go into all the details about that now. All the rest are good and the grandkids are growing faster every day.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Well as ever I haven't been keeping up to date on here. I have two finished items to show, one is a waistcoat for Amber, which she never seems to take off, and the other is a hat for Jade.
I have really been finding it hard to settle with one project lately, as my Ravelry projects will show I have a real problem finishing anything these days. It hasn't stopped me buying more yarn though my latest phase is for lace weight yarn, as I have this idea that I am going to knit shawls or scarfs as teacher's presents this year for christmas, obviously as I am buying this yarn I am fully aware that the chances of me finishing even one of these items by christmas is very slim, but they are so pretty.lol
This is a funny week as Jade has gone away for a week with her school and it feels strange without her :-( I look forward to her coming back in one piece. That being said I hope she has a great time and it will be a great experience for her as she has never been away from home before.
Gracie is still not sleeping much so I am tired pretty much most of the time. Darcey loves school but I do once again have a demanding school run trying to make it from one school to another in time. Joe is another story all together he has gone totally off the rails, although saying that I am hopeing that we have turned a corner as we have cracked down hard on him and he is improving, time will tell, don't you just love teenagers!!! Amber is doing ok, her blood sugars have been pretty stable, she has to go for flu jab this week, so not looking forward to that. Finally Carly is doing great as are the grandkids, plus her other half has a new job and things are looking good for them at present.
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